Our surveyors and expert subcontractors are able to identify a wide variety of plant species and use a number of different methods of categorising habitats.
The three main surveys we conduct with relation to plants and habitats are:
- Phase 1 habitat surveys – often this is the very first survey that a developer might need at a site in order to get a general picture of what habitats might be present. This survey might flag up potentially sensitive habitats or plant species that might then require further detailed survey at a later date. The Phase 1 survey is usually “extended” to include a walkover of a site to look at protected species and forms the foundation of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal.
- National Vegetation Classification (NVC) – This is a more detailed habitat categorisation approach that may be appropriate in more sensitive areas, or where rare species might be found.
- Identification of Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs) – This habitat survey uses the NVC classification system to identify habitat where groundwater may be affected by excavation works. Where habitats are identified as GWDTEs a hydrologist may need to be consulted.